English, asked by singh4970, 6 months ago

Write short notes on any fow of the following: i.Features of a good conversation. ii.Differences between telephone and face and face conversation. Wis Geative job hunting. W.Stages of a presentation. V.Characteristics of a good report. vil.Tmportance of small talk in business.


Answered by blackeyessep25


A huge amount. When speaking on a phone you can say whatever you want but at the same time conceal your true feelings, whereas when speaking with someone face to face, The eyes more than anything, plus the general body language gives you a much clearer idea if what they are saying is just a load of bull or if they are being streight. Studying peoples mannerisms is fascinating. You can learn so much just by observing their behaviour. This is why communication on a one on one, face to face is so important. Phone calls and texting can be so misleading, anyone can feed you whatever you want to hear, or whatever “You “ want to believe or equally have “Them” believe, which is what often causes more agrovation and or problems than could or can be avoided rather than landing one in a fickle.

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