Write short notes on File and Print Services
Why do people read newspapers ? They read newspapers for a variety of
reasons. Let us consider a few examples.
Yesterday while going to the city you might have seen an accident. Two
buses had collided and by the mere sight you could make out that many
passengers must have been killed or injured. You were busy with your daily
engagements and forgot about the accident. Only today morning you recalled
that incident. You were curious to know more about it. You wanted to know
how many passengers were killed or injured.
Where will you look for these details?
In a newspaper, of course. So you would pick up a newspaper and read all
about the accident.
Fig 5.1: News of a rail accident
Ramu and Ravi were planning to go for a movie. Both got pocket money
from their parents and permission to go for a film. Ramu asked Ravi whether
he knows the names of films playing in different theatres in the City. Ravi
was also not sure about it. So they picked up a newspaper. The paper gave all
the details about films shown in different cinema halls in the city.