Write short notes on Query Resolution Process.
As a consumer you may have a range of queries or complaints
with your credit provider, insurance company, debt counsellor,
credit bureau or payment distribution agent and it is important
for you to understand the steps you should take to resolve your
Your query or dispute may involve requesting or questioning the balance
shown or your statement from a credit provider or information recorded on
your credit profile.
Credit provider query or dispute
If you have any query, approach your credit provider directly for assistance.
You can do this telephonically, via e-mail or on their web or mobi site, or go
to their offices. For a dispute you should also always first contact the credit
provider directly to try to resolve the matter.
Before you lodge a query or dispute, make sure that you have all the relevant
information with you when you contact your credit provider. This information
includes the following:
Your ID number and account details
Your latest statement
Your credit agreement
< A copy of the credit card receipt or charge you are disputing
< Proof of information disputed, for example a payment receipt
< Account numbers
< Any reference numbers you have been given
Your query, dispute or complaint should be heard, treated fairly, and receive
a quick and appropriate response. You should also be treated with the utmost
dignity and respect in this process, and if not, you should not hesitate to escalate the matter.