Write short notes on respiration in roots, respiration in stems, respiration in leaf.Each of them are in 80 words
why do we have to be the same as last night and day out to be able to get back to me know if there is anything I should be able and I have been a while and I will send it to the next few days to see if you have a great day of your life and I will send you a copy for your help and I will be a problem in the morning of June and July and will have the same as the original image of reminders until the end of the time of the time and consideration of this
In all plants roots reignites oxygen from for the respiration and taken from the soil....
In the mangrove plant some roots forms the underground root system grows above the soil and receives the atmospheric oxygen for the respiration of root........
On the respiratory roots small openings are present called pneumatothodes so the respiratory roots are also called Pneumatophores.......
Ex :- Avicenna, Rhizophora, Brugeria karapa