Write short Notes Present status of women in educational leadership.
In our society, men are usually always in the role of being a leader. We see, men as leaders in Politics, in the military, as CEO?s of major companies and in churches just to name a few of areas men are leaders. Why do women in the same fields not get the recognition as men who are in the same areas of work? This argument have been in our society and across the world about women in leadership roles for a very long time. But, over the years history has changed, and we have begun to see females in major leader roles. However, still there is a lot of work for women in the role of leadership. Competing with men in leadership and also being equal i.e., pay has been a work in progress for years. Are women good leaders? Will we ever see a female President in the near future? In this paper, I will address and answer my own questions and some of the history of women in leadership roles. We strive to see what the differences between a male and female doing the same role in leadership, and why women are always looked at as weak and not suitable for leaders.
hope it helps
The Indian government has expressed a strong commitment towards education for all, however, India still has one of the lowest female literacy rates in Asia. In 1991, less than 40 percent of the 330 million women aged 7 and over were literate, which means today there are over 200 million illiterate women in India.