write shortcut keys for the following:
Exiting Impress window
Increase font size
Decrease font size
Grouping the object
For superscript, press Ctrl, Shift, and the Plus sign (+) at the same time. For subscript, press Ctrl and the Equal sign (=) at the same time. Increase, decrease and change font size without mouse
Ctrl+Shift+>. Increases the font to the next larger point size available in the Font size list box.
Ctrl+Shift+< Decreases the font to the next smaller point size available in the Font size list box.
Ctrl+[ Increases the font size by one point. PowerPoint Shortcut Group PowerPoint Shortcut Ungroup
Command Keyboard Shortcut
Group Objects Ctrl + G
Ungroup Objects Ctrl + Shift + G
Exiting Impress Window - Alt + F4 or Ctrl +Q
Superscript - Shift + Ctrl + P
Subscript - Shift + Ctrl + B
Increase font size - Ctrl + ]
Decrease font size - Ctrl + [
Grouping the object - Ctrl + Shift + G
Ungrouping - Ctrl + Alt + Shift +G