write six postulates of kinetic theory of glass
The following assumptions are made in developing Kinetic theory of gases. We will show that the Kinetic theory of gases developed with these assumptions explain the macroscopic properties of the materials.
All gases consist of some basic units called molecules. The molecules are made up of single or group of atoms depending on the chemical nature of the gas.
The molecules move in random direction with random speed.
The molecules undergo collisions among themselves and to the walls of the container. These collisions are perfectly elastic. The collision time is very small compared to the average time spent by a molecule between two collisions.
The size of the molecule is very small compared to the average intermolecular distance. Molecules do not exert any force among themselves or to the walls except during collision.
The molecules obey Newton's Law of Motion.
The number of gas molecules is so large that at every position of infinitesimal volume of the container, the density and distribution of different physical parameters are same. The above parameters are also independent of direction and time at a steady state.
The kinetic-molecular theory of gases can be stated as four postulates:
A gas consists of molecules in constant random motion.
Gas molecules influence each other only by collision; they exert no other forces on each other.
All collisions between gas molecules are perfectly elastic; all kinetic energy is conserved.