Write some brief information about a retired defence officer or a jawan
When a jawan retires he gets pension based on level of his post
The Ex-servicemen (ESM) as a social category are of a very recent origin. The historical
evidences suggest that in ancient and medieval periods a person used to be a soldier for life. Exservicemen in a broad sense, currently refer to all those who served in any of the three armed
forces of the Indian defence for any length of time and continue to live at any given point of
time. Though an Ex-serviceman (ESM) is retired personnel he truly does not fall into that bracket
because he is still young and fit with sterling qualities of loyalty, discipline and professionalism.
Many are not aware that even an ordinary soldier is an expert in some field or the other. From
handling of sophisticated weapon and equipment, he is well versed in the art of warfare. Some
have good exposure of fighting in different terrains ranging from high altitude to jungle, desert,
riverine terrain or a built-up area. Hence, such exposures make him a quick learner with a high
degree of adaptability. Unfortunately, this experience no matter how rich it may be is not of
much use after he “hangs his boot”. And here lies the problem as to what should an ESM do for
smooth transition to the civilian way of life and ensure a gainful employment, because he still
has numerous domestic responsibilities to shoulder. While many initiatives have been taken by
Central/State govt. and the Armed Forces themselves, it falls woefully short of the expectation.
The Govt has initiated many resettlement programs, quotas and programmes for the ESM but
real concerted efforts for marketing the same and mere policies on paper doesn‟t entail the
ESM‟s of their benefits.