write some line on book.
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Books are the most essential in our academic life. We come to know different things to reading books. Good books always help us to increase our reading habit. We have to different types of book like story books,text books,biography, etc
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10 Lines on Books
- Any written and published work is a book.
- A Country’s record of history and technological advancement is also available in the form of a Book.
- Ancient humans used fragile palm leaves for writing.
- The bronze era saw the invention of clay tablets impressed with a stylus.
- In 2400 BC, Egyptians started using papyrus, beaten in thick sheets for writing.
- Codex used in Egypt around 5th century was much similar to the modern-day book.
- A revolution in the making of books came with the invention of paper in 105AD.
- China had first used Paper.
- The United Kingdom started publishing novels around 1830 AD.
- The classification of books can be - fictional and non-fictional.
More To Know——
- Books are the gateway to knowledge and wisdom.
- The ’Latin Bible’ was the first movable type book printed in the year 1455.
- Major forms of books are Novel, Poem, Drama, History, Short Stories etc.
- Clay tablets were a medium to write on moist clay and then dried to store the information in 3rd BC, Mesopotamia.
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