write something about human development in sikkim. 500 words.
hope it helps.....
......... feeling
The Sikkim HDR advocates governance for sustainable human development as the guiding principle for State and
civil society action in Sikkim. It highlights the importance of focusing on people and their capabilities and
opportunities as the goal of development efforts. Its objectives are:
• To provide a comprehensive view of the state of human development in Sikkim, highlight critical concerns and
issues and examine emerging challenges.
his feelings my effort
• To highlight major policy interventions made by the Government of Sikkim in the arena of human development
in the State.
• To develop Human Development Index (HDI) and Gender-related Development Index (GDI) at the State and
district levels.
• To advocate a policy dialogue in recognition of the need for equity and people-centred policy focus and to
create an environment for achieving human development.
• To identify the extent of data gaps in the State.