Write something about the corona virus and write a letter to your younger brother.
Hannah Matthews
May. 19, 2020
When my brother told me, in December, that he would become a father this summer, I obviously didn’t imagine a spring remotely resembling the one we’re currently living through. I worried, of course, like I tend to do. I worried about the health of my sister-in-law, about miscarriages and stillbirths and postpartum complications, about school shootings and climate change, afraid that we’d leave my brother’s child to inhabit a burning, flooding earth. I worried about the cost of frequent visits to their home on the west coast of Canada, from mine on the East Coast of the United States. But I did not worry that a global pandemic, cartoonishly mishandled by our federal government, would make fortresses of our homes and trap us inside them, overwhelmed by the volume and force of our collective fear, loss, boredom and loneliness.