write steps to design a magazine cover in ms powerpoint
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Magazine Design+7
How should I design a magazine using PowerPoint and not complex Adobe software?
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Amit Puri
Amit Puri, An Inspired Learner
Answered Sep 27, 2014 · Author has 138 answers and 252.8k answer views
Like a piece of cake!
It's not about the complexity of other tools that I prefer MS PowerPoint. It's the preset options that will help you design things much quickly in MS-PP.
"How should I design a magazine.." - There are a few questions which can help me exactly tell you how you 'should' do, than what all you 'can' do.
How do you want to release it - hard copy, images (set of jpeg/png) or PDFs ?
What is the size of the page are you looking at ? (A4/Letter/Non-standard)
Are there links in your Magazine, that you want people can directly open ? (this is possible only in PDF formats)
If you can answer these, I think I should not only be able to answer things in detail for you but also spend a couple of hours working with you on your Magazine.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Kelly Wirht
Kelly Wirht, freelance web/graphic designer
Answered Sep 21, 2014
Originally Answered: How should I design a magazine using powerpoint and not complex adobe softwares?
My initial reaction is don't try to design a magazine in PowerPoint. Sounds like torture! inDesign has many features that will make it easier to print a magazine, and I think the quality will be much better.
But with that being said, PowerPoint and inDesign are just tools. A good designer would be able to work with either. Powerpoint will just add some extra limitations.
It's like cooking an egg. Would you rather use a pan or a microwave? It can still be done using a microwave, but will just be harder and probably won't turn out as well. A pan would be the more appropriate tool to use.
Regardless, here are some general tips:
Be consistent. Come up with a few page templates and use those throughout.
Use clean fonts and nice typography. One of the most important parts of a magazine is readability.
Great imagery. Make sure to use nice, eye-catching images.
Make sure you use high-resolution (300dpi) and CMYK color for best printing. I'm not sure how PowerPoint handles this.
good luck!
1.8k views · View 3 Upvoters · Answer requested by Anil Uttani
Wojtek Szywalski
Wojtek Szywalski, Digital Publishing Software Platform - www.presspadapp.com
Answered Nov 24, 2014 · Author has 250 answers and 310.2k answer views
Yes it is possible : )
Coming back to your original question; designing a magazine in PowerPoint or Google Slides can be effective. Especially when you are not very good skilled or equipped with Adobe products you can jumpstart with Google or Microsoft products.
1. Will it be a digital magazine?
2. If so, then reduce number of columns to two per page.
3. Use text boxes to shape your page templates
4. Decide on the typography. Follow below rules:
Point size should be 15-25 pixels on the web.
line spacing should be 120–145% of the point size.
The average line length should be 45–90 characters (including spaces).
Put only one space between sentences.
Never use underlining, unless it’s a hyperlink.
Use centered text sparingly.
Use bold or italic as little as possible.
All caps are fine for less than one line of text.
Use first-line indents that are one to four times the point size of the text, or use 4–10 points of space between paragraphs. But don’t use both.