write story by seeing image

A greedy man
Once upon a time there lived a poor dairy Farmer in a cottage who used to sell milk of his goat .
He used to feed his goat a lot so to earn more money and also as he loved it.
One day during the noon time he was sleeping in his bed. A greedy was passing through his cottage and was happy to see the goat .
He thought of selling the goat and so took it on his shoulders and tried to run.
The poor goat's master heard the sound of his goat and when he peeped through his window he was very frightened.
He tried to save his goat for which he scared the greedy man that this goat is a huge monster who if not given proper food so who so ever tried to become his owner is given punishment.
It's good now I am relieved from it's harm .thanx man u just saved me.
Listening to his words the man said actually my friend was giving me more expensive thing than it .u may take it.
Sorry I can't care for both the two animals. By I am to go.
You may feed it.
The master said no, no please take it.
The greedy man ran away leaving the goat from it's shoulders.
Moral- it's good to have plannings instead of leaving things to God.