write story of Achilles
The story of Achilles starts way before his birth. Thetis a sea nymph who was very beautiful aand was well respected and loved by the gods of Olympus was proposed to by Zeus and Posiedon for marriage but the oracle of Delphi had a prophecy that the son of Thetis would be greater than his father . This prophecy frightened both Zeus and Posiedon because they knew how mighty they were so they came up with an idea that she would marry a honorable king among men and their choice was Peleus . Thetis married him reluctantly, in their marriage all the kings ,queens and gods were invited except Eris goddess of discord who came to avenge the insult throwing an apple entitled for the fairest to cause discord which led Paris to chose between Hera wife of Zeus ,Athena daughter of Zeus and Aphrodite goddess of beauty and love of course he chose Aphrodite over a bribe which is to marry the most beautiful woman Helen which was wife of King Menelaus .
Achilles was eventually born but his mother had received another prophecy that he would be killed In a great war so saddened she sought for a solution which was burn him with fire and ambrosia which didn't work so she dipped him in the river Styx to make him invincible but vulnerable only in the heels. Achilles grew up yellow haired ,charming and fleet in the foot ,loved by the gods. He was reportedly trained by Charon trainer of heroes and powerful having fought many wars becoming a famous warrior.
Paris needed his promised prize by Aphrodite so he stole off Helen who was in love with him to his home in Troy ,provoking all the Greek kings to avenge this dishonor on account of the truce signed to protect Helen.
Odyseus had just gave birth pretended he was mad but nevertheless he was set for the war ,Achilles was carried to King lycomedes court of maidens as a girl but nevertheless Odyseus convinced him through trick and cunning to go about the Trojan war.
Before the war a curse killed many Greek soildiers at sea because of greedy Agammenom deeds as he was challenged by Achilles , he seized his bride this was too much for Achilles to take so he refused to fight the war because he didn't want to fight a unjust course anyway.Achilles wanted to disgrace the Greeks for the insult so sought justice by convincing his mother to seek Zeus in the matter. Nevertheless the Greeks did not stand the chance against Achilles whom the a prophecy said only if he fight Troy would fall. Patroclus his best childhood based friend decided he must represent Achilles whom he knew had good intentions so wore his armour to war ,the Trojans fled in freight thinking it was Achilles but Hector fought overcoming him and killing Patroclus. Achilles on hearing this was broken in spirits blaming himself felt this guilt within him as burdening decided to go in to war full of provoked rage,vengeance and appeasement for his best friend , destroyed the Trojans having no mercy for they have taken his heart out into blackened rage killing Hector in process whom he blamed so he dragged the body because he didn't want the spirit to rest in peace whom he gave back to the father King Priam whom he admired. Achilles didn't think he was any longer fit to live because he blamed himself for the death of his innocent best friend so he planed his death giving prize to all the champions of Greece in the war. Trying to solve the conflict of the war through his marriage with polythenaee inside Troy ,Paris the architect of the war shot him dead on the spot. Achilles was a great hero with a great personality,someone who had to be a soildier only to carry along others, who didn't fear death but believed in the prize for humanity. Yes he was misunderstood even when he was alive which must have contributed to his rage but his story would never be forgotten as the greatest Greek heroe in the greatest Greek war.
When the Trojan War started, Achilles commanded 50 ships, each having 50 Myrmidons. He also appointed five commanders; Menesthius, Eudorus, Peisander, Phoenix and Alcimedon. After departing, they landed in Mysia by mistake, which was then ruled by Telephus. Telephus was wounded in the battle by Achilles, and could not be healed. After consulting an oracle, he was told that he who inflicted the wound would be able to heal it; so, Telephusasked Achilles to heal him, and in return he guided them to Troy.
The Iliad starts the narrative of the Trojan War with Agamemnon, leader of the Achaeans, having acquired a woman called Chryseis as his slave. Her father, being a priest of Apollo, begs the god to help him, and Apollo sends a plague among the Greeks. Calchas identifies the source of the problem and Agamemnon reluctantly consents; however, he demands that Achilles hand over his own prize, another woman called Briseis. Achilles, furious that he was dishonoured in such a way, withdraws from battle and asks his mother to convince Zeus to help the Trojans, so that he may prove himself again in the battlefield. The Trojans manage to repel the Greeks back to the shore; Patroclus, Achilles’ friend, wearing Achilles’ armor, successfully leads the Myrmidons against the enemy, but is subsequently killed by Hector, the Trojan prince. Enraged by his friend’s death, Achilles joins the battle and tracks down Hector, whom he kills in a face to face duel. He then drags Hector’s lifeless body with his chariot during the funeral games he held for Patroclus.
The death of Achilles is not narrated in the Iliad, although it was predicted by Hector with his dying breath. Paris, the brother of Hector, managed to kill the hero with an arrow that landed on Achilles’ heel, the only vulnerable part of his body. The arrow was poisoned and some sources say that it was guided by the god Apollo. Achilles was cremated and his ashes were mingled with those of Patroclus.