write summary about ozzyma dies
the title of ozymandias refer to an alternate name of the the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses ll .In "ozymandias", . Shelley describes a crumbling statue of ozymandias as a way to portray the transience of political power and to prceise arts power of preserving the past .
Shelley's poem “Ozymandias” famously describes a ruined statue of an ancient king in an empty desert. Although the king's statue boastfully commands onlookers to “Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair,” there are no works left to examine: the king's cities, empire, and power have all disappeared over time.The emphasis on emotions above logic brought exploration of the realms of fantasy and imagination, in addition to an unbridled passion for nature and ancient relics of the past. Percy Bysshe Shelley's “Ozymandias” exemplifies these qualities of the Romantic Age, and serves as an example of Literary Romanticism