English, asked by bhavinbharadwaj7265, 1 year ago

Write summary of stanzas written in dejection near naples by percy bysshe shelley


Answered by cusut5srBro1
The title of this poem really tells you everything you need to know about the subject. What is left to uncover is the level of the stage of dejection in which Shelley composed and, of course, why is so dejected as to be moved to write a poem about it.

Revealing his status as one of the best storytelling poets of the Romantic era, Shelley begins his tale of woe by setting the stage. This is clearly important since Shelley chose to include the location of his despondency in the title. So here is Shelley whom we already know is dejected describing his surroundings: warm sun, clear sky, beautiful waves on the water, low humidity, flowers starting to bud and the sound of nature noticeable but not intrusive. The voice of the city is as velvety soft as solitude itself.

With the commencement of the second stanza, the seeds of dejection begin to sprout. Shelley describes seeing down to the very floor of the water beneath those waves, to a place where the seaweed is a mix of green and purple. While looking at those waves crashing upon the shore is alone on the sands. Lightning begins to flash all around him and this serves to create tone that is the measurement of his unhappiness and solitude. He wonders if there is anybody else sharing the dark tone of his heart at this moment.

And now the depth of the poet’s state of dejection becomes clear. Shelley complains of an absence of hope and health and peace and calm. Why so down? Because he looks around him and sees others blessed with fame and power and love and the smiling happy faces of those enjoying their leisure. These are people gulping from the cup of pleasure, but his cup was measured unfairly. The poet stands dejected in Naples because others have cups that runneth over while his was barely half filled.T

Dejected is proven not to be synonymous with despair as Shelley asserts that though clearly quite dejected, he is suffering only mildly despair. The despair is mirrored by the winds and water which have quieted down. Tired, he feels prepared to simply lie down and weep for the life of care caring which he has taken upon himself. Yet shall he continue to live that life of caring about others until at death finally overcomes him.

The final stanza takes Shelley beyond that death where he ruminates about his legacy, marking that he is not one whom men love and likely will remain so. Nevertheless, he has no intention to change his ways, though on occasions such as this day, he may allow for a tinge of regret.

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Answered by Fatimakincsem

‘Stanzas Written in Dejection, near Naples’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley  is a beautiful poem consisted of 5 stanzas


  • In this poem, Shelly has described his pain and also how he used nature to soothe his pain
  • He is living very close to nature in an area where there is a sea and mountains around
  • In the second stanza, he narrates his pain and how that environment helped him to relax

learn more about P.B Shelley here:



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