English, asked by Soky, 6 months ago

Write telephone conversation between two friends one has been returning fron trips and describing about place ,food, and shopping hall?pleas help me


Answered by hazelyxlee

Bella: Hello?

Amy: Bella, it's Amy!

Bella: Oh hello, dear! I've missed you! Why are you calling?

Amy: I just returned from a shopping trip, and guess what?

Bella: What?

Amy: There was a franchise of our favourite cafe at the mall!

Bella: No way! I've been craving the croissants there. Which mall did you go to?

Amy: Oh, I went to the Diamond Gardens Mall. It's about... 10 minutes away from your home.

Bella: You should have given me a call! I could have come meet you. What did you do there?

Amy: I should have, but it slipped my mind. Well, I went to buy a slice of tiramisu at the cafe and it tasted great, as expected.

Bella: Oh, I'm jealous!

Amy: I also got an amazing deal at Forever 21, I got some gorgeous shirts!

Bella: I would love to see!

Amy: You could always come over. Oh, and there was an incredible garden on the rooftop of the mall. It was so relaxing to take a stroll there.

Bella: That sounds great, I would love to go!

Amy: Yes, let's go together some time!

Bella: But I've got work this weekend. How about next Sunday?

Amy: I'm free that day, let's go together! There's a whole row of fashion stores, and there's also this Italian restaurant I want to try.

Bella: Alright! We'll have so much fun!

Amy: We will. I have to go now, Bella. See you then!

Bella: Yes, I have to go too. I'll call you again, bye!

Amy: Bye, dear! (hangs up)

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