write ten sentence. about how the family relations are coming down these days
hey are not only the source of communication but they offer you a wide range of interaction paths with loved ones.
It is a versatile platform with interesting features like sharing photos, videos, memories, news, events, and amusement stuff.
According to reports, there are 3.5 billion active users of social media around the globe and 90% of users are youngsters.
Negative Effects of Social Media on Family Relationships:
Today’s digital socialization has some negative effects on family relationships that can not be avoided.
The negative effects of social media and how is social media changing family relationships have gained much attention in the wise circle of society. The negatives regarding family and social media technology are given below.
Affected Family Culture:
Before social media Family gatherings used to be a delightful and memorable event. There is no doubt that social media reduced the physical barriers to communicating with people but it also destroyed family cultures and the rejoice of family gatherings.