English, asked by sahibjeet, 1 year ago

write ten sentences about the causes of Global Warming that affects on aquatic life?


Answered by kurokiri67
Global warming is the gradual warming of the earth surface because of the continuous increasing in the temperature of the atmosphere due to some natural and human made causes. The main cause of the global warming is the collection of greenhouse gases in the earth atmosphere which work as a blanket and trap lots of heat causing rise in temperature of the atmosphere. CO2 (also called carbon dioxide) gas is not good for the atmosphere, if it remains longer in the atmosphere, it would trap heat extremely which ultimately increase global temperature. High level of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere are caused by the burning of fossil fuels, cars, vehicles, coal-burning power plants, etc.
Answered by KrystaCort

ten sentences which illustrate the causes of Global warming are as follows:

  1. Deforestation: Burning and removal of vegetation releases the stored carbon with maximum efficiency, which in turn contributes to global warming.
  2. Ranching: This again produces massive quantities of waste from animals because of which lots of methane is emitted in the environment.
  3. Our industrial agricultural techniques utilize a huge amount of fuels and other hazardous gas-emitting resources.
  4. production of fertilizers and pesticides submit a huge level of chemicals into the nature which include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc.
  5. Global warming is also increasing due to the consistent urbanization which demands the use of concrete and asphalt. This again makes the Earth surface hotter.
  6. Electricity Generation  again requires coal energy for its production which emits large measure of harmful gases. We burn fossil fuel to produce electricity.
  7. Vehicle use releases toxins like carbon into earth's atmosphere, which again causes global warming effect.
  8. Plastic: Not only does it create greenhouse effect but also it never decomposes spoiling the soil.
  9. Aerosols lead to a consistent  and unnoticeable increase in the warming of this planet through the chlorofluorocarbons
  10. The final cause is, humans only speak of preservation but never work on it. It is our duty to work on what we say in order to save the planet.
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