Write the 100 or 150 words short pragraph
Role of art in life
For me, art is incredibly important. I find that if I go too long without actually creating things, I get incredibly antsy and I literally begin to lose functionality. I start getting really aggravated by minor frustrations, I snap at people, and the quality of my work begins to suffer.
Additionally, I would hate a bland world that is lacking art. Between all the fiction (and non-fiction) books I read, the streaming TV shows I watch during dinner, the video and board games I play, the galleries I visit, the art stores I paint at, the designing that goes on in my print shop - nearly every aspect of my live revolves around art in some way. My partner is also and artist, and so most things the two of us talk about relate to art in some way, shape, or form.
I think art is vital to humans as well. It may just resonate with some of us more than others, but art really permeates our way of life, whether it's the design of your plates to the design of your house, or the bus you take, or the shows we all watch. I'm writing this from a hotel room, and there's art in the desk that's in my room, and the overall design of the hotel lobby.
Art gives us something to enjoy, and I think without it, we would all live in grey concrete slab rooms that are perfectly square with no decorations and we'd all wear the same bland parka-things and we'd all be perfectly miserable in our boringness.
May the answer will help you!!
Hey there ,
As you aware of covid-19, which had created a massive effect to everyone in the world, where a normal man suffered more than the richer people or many other people. Because of financial problems and all most of them lost their lives, Most of the students lost their concentration on their studies and many other poor people lost their jobs in these pandemic situation.
Hope this could be a small review on covid-19. But this can help you to think more on further about covid-19.
Hey there ,
As you aware of covid-19, which had created a massive effect to everyone in the world, where a normal man suffered more than the richer people or many other people. Because of financial problems and all most of them lost their lives, Most of the students lost their concentration on their studies and many other poor people lost their jobs in these pandemic situation.
Hope this could be a small review on covid-19. But this can help you to think more on further about covid-19.