write the abbreviation of
" World health organisation"
AO Administrative Officer (WCO)
CAP consolidated appeal process (sometimes also “consolidated appeal”)
CERF Central Emergency Response Fund (managed by OCHA)
CFSA Chief Field Security Adviser (UNDSS)
CHAP common humanitarian action plan (component of a CAP)
DO Designated Official (for UN security, at country level)
EHA Emergency and Humanitarian Action (WHO)
EMT Emergency Management Team
FSA Field Security Adviser (UNDSS)
FSCO Field Security Coordination Officer (assigned by UNDSS to the Designated Official)
FSO Field Security Officer (assigned by WHO or any individual UN agency)
HAC Humanitarian Action in Crises (WHO)
HC (UN/IASC) Humanitarian Coordinator
HCC Health Cluster Coordinator
HeLiD Health Library for Disasters (CD-ROM produced by PAHO and WHO)
IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee (for humanitarian action)
ICP inter-country programme (WHO)
ICT Information and communications technology
IHR International Health Regulations
MoH Ministry of Health
MOSS Minimum operating security standards
NAF needs analysis framework (used in a preparing a CHAP)
NGO non-governmental organization
OCHA U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
PMR project management, monitoring and reporting
PSC programme support costs
RC UN resident coordinator
RD Regional Director (WHO)
RO regional office (WHO)
sitrep situation report (usually sent by email)
STP short-term professional (WHO contract)
TOR terms of reference
UNCT UN country team
UNDP UN Development Programme
UNDSS UN Department for Staff Security
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
WASH water, sanitation and hygiene
WCO WHO country office
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organization
WR WHO representative
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