Social Sciences, asked by umasantoshisiva, 7 months ago

write the acknowledgments of the preventing common human induced disasters​


Answered by affansyed2506

Human Induced Disasters: Prevention and Community based Mitigation!

Disasters can take place through deliberate actions of misguided human beings. Terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir are an example of ma- made disasters. Switzerland has plenty of lakes. All children acquire swimming skills in early childhood.

A society that an endure the effects of a calamity by proper disaster management is referred to as a disaster-resilient society. Such a society has both disaster prevention and disaster management plans at hand. The horrors of Atomic bombing of the cities of Hiro­shima and Nagasaki in Japan during August 1945 are still fresh in human memory.

Answered by lovewalia549


Human Induced Disasters: Prevention and Community based Mitigation!

Disasters can take place through deliberate actions of misguided human beings. Terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir are an example of ma- made disasters. Switzerland has plenty of lakes. All children acquire swimming skills in early childhood.

A society that an endure the effects of a calamity by proper disaster management is referred to as a disaster-resilient society. Such a society has both disaster prevention and disaster management plans at hand. The horrors of Atomic bombing of the cities of Hiro­shima and Nagasaki in Japan during August 1945 are still fresh in human memory.


The US bomber ENOLAGAY dropped the 8,900 pound nuclear bomb over the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. About 90% of the city was levelled near instantaneously. There was complete devastation over 10 sq. km of the city in which 66,000 people were killed and another 69,000 severely injured.

Three days later, the tragedy was repeated at Nagasaki. The nuclear bombing destroyed one-third of the city and claimed 39,000 human casualties. Another 25,000 persons were severely injured. Over the decades man has perfected many more deadly weapons of mass destructions.

Nuclear fuel is now being used in a number of reactors that produce electricity. An accidental leakage can cause grievous injuries to people who may be exposed to radiation. The worst part of dam­age by nuclear radiations is that even those who survive may develop infirmities over a period of time and these may be carried over even to generations yet to be born.

Manufacture of nuclear bombs is no longer a preroga­tive of nations that have highly developed laboratories. Nuclear technology has become more widespread. Nuclear material can be obtained by clandestine modes and even be stolen. Crude bombs can be manufactured by terrorist groups and the havoc that their use can cause to mankind can be terrific.

Preventing Manmade Disasters:


Manmade disasters are preventable. If the buildings are constructed according to the prescribed by-laws, there would be no collapses. Similarly, if fire fighting equipment’s have been installed and safety routes provided, even when fire breaks out, the damage to human beings would be minimal.

Sticking to rules is most important for installations like nuclear power plants. International agreements already exist. What is needed is that nations stick to resolve like not making and storing weapons of mass destruction. Factories Act prescribes safety conditions. If all manu­factures adhere to those safety measures, there would be fewer industrial accidents.

Natural disasters may not be averted under all condi­tions. But the human misery that is caused can definitely be minimized. If we are prepared for a disaster, there would be minimum suffering and losses. Disasters like floods wiped off entire civilizations like the one in Indus Valley.

Disasters like floods and droughts can be partially pre­vented by taking care of the environment. Reckless cutting of trees reduces annual rainfall and leads to soil erosion and land-slides. Industrialization and Housing projects must keep in mind the ecological balance of nature.


Where a disaster like a volcanic eruption takes place, all agencies like the State and the people groups should come into action through coordinated efforts to rehabilitate the victims. Disasters like floods, droughts and volcanic erup­tions do take place although with unpredictable frequency. If we have adequate Disaster Management Plans at hand, we would be able to come into action promptly.

Women, children and elderly persons need special at­tention while evacuation and at the time rehabilitation plans are being operated. In disaster prone areas, these groups must in particular be targeted for disaster preparedness.

Every year October 29 is celebrated as Disaster Re­duction Day. On that day we must prepare plans in the light of the experiences gained during the previous years. Community preparedness can make all the difference. Volcanic eruptions are a common feature of life in Japan. Houses are made in a manner that they do not collapse when the earth shakes. Citizens are aware of what to do when a volcanic eruption takes place.

Railway accidents are becoming more frequent. There is need for better Disaster Management plans in their case. They must conduct mock drills and check how fast they can act.


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