Biology, asked by meghanadh58, 10 months ago

write the answer for above question​



Answered by vijaygagare


Explanation:With the help of vitamin K, the liver produces proteins that are important in blood clotting. It is also one of the organs that break down old or damaged blood cells. The liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes in the body. In fat metabolism the liver cells break down fats and produce energy

In blood transfusion, it is necessary that the kind or the type of blood to be transfused should be matched with the type of blood of the receiving person. Otherwise, the RBC of the donor blood will stick to each other and block the passage of blood vessels of the receiver leading to death. Hence, it is necessary to know the blood groups before transfusion of blood.

Veins have valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards and pooling, whereas arteries pump blood at higher pressures, which naturally prevents backflow. Veins need valves to keep blood flowing in one direction because the flow is less constant; the flow in arteries is constant and requires artery walls to be more flexible and strong enough to accommodate the high pressures.

Arteries are deep seated to prevent them from any damage. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from heart to all parts of the body. Arguably, it is better for the arteries to be deep seated because lot of blood loss occurs when arteries get damaged as the blood flows with a great force in arteries.

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