Write the basic features of OOo BASE ?
It has a feature OOo 3 Math icon which is for creating and editing mathematical formulas . And also analogous to Microsoft Equation Editor. It has a database management program analogous to access Microsoft. Which includes Access databases (JET), ODBC data sources, MySQL and PostgreSQL
New database features in OOo 3.1
Compiled from features dba openoffice org mailing list mails, and referenced specifications.
Base General
Macros in database documents
Database documents (.odb) now allow to embed macros and scripts, in exactly the same way the other OOo document types already allow.
Up to now, macros can be embedded into sub documents of a database document, that is, into forms and reports (which technically are Text documents), it will change to one place, database document.
This means, all macros from forms moved into main part of database, assigning macros to elements in a form document will be possible with macros from the database document only, not with macros from the form document. Macros can be run from either the document itself, or any of its sub components: forms, reports, table design, query design, relation design, table data view. Customization of macro can be done into a toolbar, or a menu, of any sub component. When recording a macro in a form or report, the final dialog which lets you decide where to store the macro will not list the form/report anymore, but the database document.