Write the basic principles of constructing zenithal projection.
Answer:Zenithal Projection or Planar Projection or Azimuthal Projection shows the equidistance of earth to its center.
Answer:Zenithal Projection or Planar Projection or Azimuthal Projection shows the equidistance of earth to its center.Explanation:
Properties of Zenithal projections are:
Properties of Zenithal projections are:Distance from earth's center.
Properties of Zenithal projections are:Distance from earth's center.The shape of earth-based on the projection.
Properties of Zenithal projections are:Distance from earth's center.The shape of earth-based on the projection.Area coverage based on azimuthal.
Properties of Zenithal projections are:Distance from earth's center.The shape of earth-based on the projection.Area coverage based on azimuthal.Direction.