Biology, asked by bksethi80, 11 months ago

write the causative agent of AIDS? Suggest any two preventive measures of AIDS?


Answered by ansh2014chauhan

Hey mate ,

AIDS can be caused due to :-

1) sexual mating with am infected person.

2) using a used syringe which was infected with the HIV virus .

Preventive measures are :-

1) Using barriers like condoms or Femidoms while sexual intercourse

2) Always using a new packed syringe !

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Answered by sabiyasheikh2207


Preventive measures and the development of medication have contributed to limiting the consequences of HIV on Canadians. However, there is still a lot to be done to raise public awareness on the issues surrounding the disease.

The HIV infection is characterized by the progressive destruction of the immune system after the virus has attacked very specific body cells: T4 lymphocytes (or CD4) cells. At this stage, an individual is said to be infected with HIV or to be “HIV positive”.

After the disease has progressed for several years, generally without any symptoms, a drop in CD4 cells brings the individual to the “acquired immunodeficiency syndrome” stage (AIDS). Typical characteristics of the disease include the development of “opportunistic” infections, which are caused by germs that usually do not infect healthy individuals. AIDS can also contribute to the development of some forms of cancer. The presence of the virus can also lead to other problems such as lesions to the nervous or digestive systems, or to the muscles or kidneys.

If untreated, AIDS is a progressive life-threatening disease. Treatment significantly prolongs life expectancy.


As is the case for most viruses, HIV is contagious. It is transmitted through biofluids containing high levels of the virus such as blood, sperm, vaginal secretions and breast milk. An infected person can transmit the virus even if they are symptom-free.

The virus can spread in various ways, including:

sexually, during unprotected sexual intercourse

through drug or medication abuse, using dirty syringes

through pregnancy, via the umbilical cord, when giving birth or when breastfeeding

through blood and blood products, during blood transfusions

However, the virus cannot be spread in the following ways:

by shaking hands with an infected person, kissing them on the cheek or using their cellphone

by using the same toilet seat

by swimming in a public pool

by an insect sting


The medications used to treat this disease are called “antiretroviral” drugs. They block the development of the virus at various stages of its reproductive cycle. The treatment always involves using a combination of several drugs, which improves its effectiveness. Taking all of the medications as prescribed by a doctor is essential to ensure optimal treatment. Antiretroviral drugs help slow down virus multiplication and therefore, maintain a strong immune system to delay the onset of AIDS as long as possible. There is currently no cure for AIDS.


There is currently no vaccine to prevent contracting HIV. The best way to protect yourself is to take the following precautionary measures to minimize the risks of contamination:

  1. use a condom during sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral)
  2. avoid sharing syringes
  3. when getting a tattoo or piercing, make sure the material is new and disposable or sterilized
  4. use disposable gloves when at risk of direct contact with blood
  5. for HIV positive women, consider giving birth by caesarian section
  6. for HIV positive women who are new mothers, consider feeding your baby with formula instead of breastfeeding

Hope this is helpful for you

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