Social Sciences, asked by RehanAhmadXLX, 1 year ago

Write the causes of world war 1 ?


Answered by CaptainBrainly

---------CAUSES FOR WORLD WAR I ----

The major causes for world war 1 are :

》 Aggressive Nationalism

》 Imperialism

》 Secret Alliances

》 Militarism

》 Balkan Politics

》 Immediate cause

1. Aggressive Nationalism : This was a feeling raised among the newly developed countries showing the pride of their nation is superior in the world and started hatring neighbour countries. Thus this was one reason. Fascism and Nazism in Italy and Germany created this ideology.

2. Imperialism : The newly developed countries asked the old developed countries for the redistribution of colonies for raw materials. But the old developed countries opposed it. Thus this was also a reason.

3. Secret alliances : After the unification of Germany, Germany made a alliance with Italy and Austria this was called as Triple Alliance.
For alternative to this Britain also made a alliance with Russia and France this was called as triple entente.

4. Militarism : The competition in increasing of military encouraged the people for the war. Those countries spent a lot of money on the Military and arms.

5. Balkan politics : This was a peninsular area with many sects, language etc. After the fall of ottoman empire many countries like Germany, Turkey , Russia tried to control over this. This situation created an atmosphere of tense.

6. Sudden Cause: The siberian rebel killed Archduke of Austria on 28 June 1914. Austria asked the reason for that but Siberia could not answer that. So, Austria declared war on Siberia. Triple alliance was joined with Austria and triple entente with Siberia. This resulted war..


RehanAhmadXLX: Nice :-)
CaptainBrainly: thnx bhai
Answered by Anonymous
Hey Friend,

Following are the main causes of the First World War -

1. Militant nationalism -

*It meant outright wars by the European countries to achieve their goals.

*The countries kept standing armies and large navies, and the kept such officers who had a tendency to dominate over the civilians.

*It was a result of three things - aggressive nationalism, economic competition and international tension.

2. Aggressive Nationalism -

*It meant love for one's country and hatred of other countries.

*Each country thought about its own profit and national interests and didn't care for the interest of other countries.

*Such countries formulated expansion policies in the name of nationalism.

*For this reason, each country started increasing her military powers.

3. Economic Competition -

*The countries wanted to increase their economic sphere.

*To do so, they decided to capture territories which could provide raw materials and serve as markets for the finished goods.

*This led to a fierce competition between the countries to acquire territories. 

4. International tension -

*The sudden changes in the society led to mutual hatred, fear and oppression.

*People were influenced by these things which led to an international tension.

*People were convinced that now all the problems can only be solved by militarism.

5. Race for armaments -

*The countries began to increase their armaments in the name of self defense and peace.

*The countries increased their armaments to capture other territories.

*The countries also began increasing their armaments to prove stronger than the other countries.

*Increasing armaments for the above reason, proved to be a competition among the countries which eventually gave rise to this race for armaments. 

6. Division of Europe into two hostile groups -

*As a result of the increasing nationalism, pressure and tension..the Europe was divided into two groups.

*Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed the Triple Alliance in 1882.

*France, Russia and Britain England formed the Triple Entente to counter the Triple Alliance in 1907.

7. Immediate Cause (The Sarajevo Crisis) -

*Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne was assassinated in Sarajevo in 1914, by Siberian organization.
*Austria served an eleven point ultimatum on Siberia. Siberia did not accept all the points.

*Angered by the act of Siberia, Austria declared war on Siberia the next month.

Hope it helps!

Anonymous: For exact cause, refer to Horrible Histories Frightful First World War.
Anonymous: Bosnia wanted to leave Central powers because its friend Serbia was in Allies, but Austria did not allow it. Blakc Hand Gang of Serbia killed heir of Austian Empire. His uncle did not accept apology of Serbia.
Anonymous: He wanted WAR
Anonymous: And all leaders were not very bright. Things could have cooled down. One such emperor was Kaiser Wilhelm who hated everybody. Just read the book, you will find it excellent.
Anonymous: Probably THE BEST.
RehanAhmadXLX: Great :-)
Anonymous: Mujhe se bhi mahan Horrible Histories ka andaaz he, uska style unique he.
rohitkumargupta: grt
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