English, asked by angel9310, 1 year ago

Write the character sketch of Bismillah Khan with respect to the chapter "The Sound of Music" ​


Answered by mahatodipshikha70


hope this answers will help you


Bismillah khan was a great patriot. At the age of 14 , accompanied his uncle to Allahabad Music conference where Ustad. Fayaz khan patted his shoulder. He got encouraged and worked hard and got a big break from all India Radio in 1938. He soon became a often heard player on radio .He became the first Indian to greet the nation with his shennai from the Red Fort on 15 August 1947.

Shennai was traditionally played in the royal court , temple etc . Ustab Bismillah khan got the credit of bringing the shennai into the classical stage.

When one of his student request him to start a shennai school in USA , he refused because of his inseparable connection with Hindustan .He would not live away from river Ganga , Benaras and Dumraon. He was a true patriot and loved India a lot....

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