Write the characteristics of anatrapous ovule
The characteristic of anatropous ovule is (1) Occurrence of hilum near the micropyle (2) Presence of raphe (3) Body of the ovule is inverted (3) All the above. The most common form of ovules is anatropous ovule, which occurs in more than 80% of angiospermic families.
1. Occurrence of hilum near the micropyl
2. Presence of raphe
3. Inversion ( 180° ) over the funicle
Anatropous ovule is the most common type of ovules, which occurs in more than 80% of angiospermic families. The body of ovule is rotated by 180° and micropyle comes near to the funiculus. Chalaza and micropyle lie in the straight line but hilum is at 90° to micropyle. Thus, micropyle is near to funiculus. A ridge is also present in the ovule as the body of ovule is fused with the funiculus on one side.