write the characteristics of Toto ?
Toto is a little red monkey with bright eyes, sparkled with mischief beneath deep set eyebrows and his pearly-white teeth. His smile was too scary to make old ladies afraid. He had hands that looked dried-up, his fingers were quick and wicked and his tail served him as a third hand.
"Toto is a little red monkey with bright eyes, sparkled with mischief beneath deep set eyebrows and his pearly-white teeth. His smile was too scary to make old ladies afraid. He had hands that looked dried-up, his fingers were quick and wicked and his tail served him as a third hand."
"Toto was a beautiful, little monkey. He was with a tonga driver. Grandfather took pity on him and brought him home. He created a lot of mischiefs and brought so much trouble in the house. He tore clothes and disturbed other animals in grandfather’s zoo. So grandfather had to give him back to the tonga-driver."