Biology, asked by Deyarpita, 2 days ago

write the characters of Musaceae​


Answered by vg592805


Large and oval, simple, stalk and sheath long and broad, blade oblong, end blunt; leaf blade when young is convolutely rolled up; midrib stout, parallel veins running from it to the edge, pinnate parallel venation.

Answered by TrueRider

Characters of Musaceae

Plants large herbs with false stem, or trees, leaves large, compound inflorescence with large often petaloid bracts; Flower zygomorphic, hermaphrodite or unisexual, perianth 3+3, petaloid, often united, stamens 3+2 and staminode, gynoecium tricarpellary, syncarpous, inferior, trilocular with 1 to indefinite ovules in each locule, fruit berry or capsule, seed endospermic, often with perisperm.

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