Chemistry, asked by pri9114, 2 months ago

Write the chemical properties of metal. (Five chemical properties with
chemical equations)​


Answered by Anonymous


The chemical properties of metals are as follows--

Reaction Of Metal With Oxygen

Metals react with oxygen to form metal oxides. Metals donate electrons to oxygen for the formation of metal oxides. For example,

4K + O2 → 2 K2O

Metal oxides are generally basic in nature but it can also be amphoteric in nature. Amphoteric oxides mean that they are acidic as well as basic in nature. Some metals like sodium and potassium react vigorously with oxygen. Whenever sodium or potassium is exposed to air it catches fire. Hence, they are kept in kerosene.

Reaction Of Metal With Water

Some metals react with water to form metal hydroxide whereas some of them do not react. Reactivity with water differs from metal to metal.

Metals like sodium and potassium are highly reactive. They react with water to form alkalis such as sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide.

2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2

Calcium also reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide and hydrogen.

Ca + 2H2O → Ca(OH)2 + H2

Whereas, magnesium and zinc do not react with cold water. They form their respective oxides when reacted with hot water.

Mg + H2O → MgO + H2

Iron is less reactive than sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium. It does not react with cold and hot water, but it reacts with steam to form magnetic oxides.

3Fe + 4H2O → Fe3O4 + 4H2

Reaction With Dilute Acids

Metals like sodium, potassium, lithium and calcium react vigorously with dilute HCl and H2SO4 to form their metal salt and hydrogen.

While magnesium, zinc, iron, tin and lead does not react vigorously with acids.

Mg + HCl → MgCl2 + H2

Fe + H2SO4 → FeSO4 + H2

Metals which fall below hydrogen in the reactivity series does not react with dilute acids. They cannot displace hydrogen to form a bond with a non-metal anion.

Reaction of Metal With Other Metal Salts

Metals that are more reactive will readily with less reactive metals. More reactive metal displaces the less reactive metal from its oxides, chlorides or sulphides.

Zn + CuSO4 → ZnSO4 + Cu

This is your answer.

Hope this helps you!


Answered by Anonymous


Chemical Properties of Metals

The density of metals is usually high.

Metals are malleable and ductile.

Metals form an alloy with other metals or non – metals.

Some metals react with air and corrode. ...

Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. ...

Generally, metals are in a solid state at room temperature.

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