Biology, asked by khankarim41, 1 year ago

Write the circulatory, respiratory, excretory systems present in each phylum of animal kingdom.


Answered by Coeus
Circulatory System :- From Phylum Porifera to Arthropoda is Open type and from Annelida to Chordata it is Closed type. Open means blood is filled in body cavity and closed means, it flows in network of Blood vessels and regulated by heart.

Respiratory System:- Porifera by Water Canal System, Cnidaria no specialised system, Upto Aschelminthes they respire through body surfaces. Arthropoda by Tracheal system,book gills( in King Crab) , or book lungs(in scorpion) Annelida by Body surface or by Parapodia( in Nereis), Mollusca by body surface or gills, Echinodermata by Water Vascular System and HemiChordata by Proboscis and body surface. Chordata has many variations like in Pieces gills are used, in Amphibians skin, Buccopharyngeal cavity as well as lungs are used, in Reptilia Lungs are present, in Aves lungs and in Mammals ‍♀️ also lungs.

Excretory system: - In Porifera Water Canal System, in Cnidaria Gastrovascular cavity, in Platyhelminthes Flame cells, in Aschelminthes body surface, in Arthropoda Nephridia, Antennal Gland, Coxal gland, Green glands, Shell glands, Malpighian Tubules, Fat bodies, Hepatopancreas, exoskeleton, nephrocytes.. And in Annelida Nephridia and Parapodia (by Nereis an organism), Mollusca by Nephridia and Rectum( in squid ) In echinodermata Water Vascular System, in HemiChordata Proboscis, in Chordata nephrons, Kidneys.


Hope this was helpful. Give my answer Brainliest. #AskmeAnything
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