English, asked by mpicdet, 9 months ago

write the CLM summary​


Answered by vaibhavpatil3000



he poet dedicates this poem to his mother Caroline Masefield who dies when he was only six years old. Probably CLM is indicative of his mother’s name, Caroline Masefield. We are still in search of a better answer.

In the dark womb where I began

My mother’s life made me a man.

Through all the months of human birth

Her beauty fed my common earth.


Womb – Mother’s uterus (the internal sac in which a baby develops)

Where I began – Where my life began

Through all the months of human birth – the ten months during which a baby grows inside its mother’s womb

Her beauty fed – Childbearing mothers lose their charm and health

My common earth – My body

I cannot see, nor breathe, nor stir,

But through the death of some of her.

Down in the darkness of the grave

She cannot see the life she gave.


Stir – Move

Breathe – Take breath in and out

The death of some of her – As said above, a mother’s beauty and health deteriorate/decline during pregnancy

Down in the darkness of the grave – She is dead and buried in a grave

She cannot see the life she gave – The poet is sad that his mother cannot see him as she is no more

For all her love, she cannot tell

Whether I use it ill or well,

Nor knock at dusty doors to find

Her beauty dusty in the mind.


For all her love, she cannot tell –

Whether I use it ill or well – Whether I use my charm for good or bad

Nor knock at dusty doors to find

Her beauty dusty in the mind.

If the grave’s gates could be undone,

She would not know her little son,

I am so grown. If we should meet,

She would pass by me in the street,

Unless my soul’s face let her see

My sense of what she did for me.


If the grave’s gates could be undone,

She would not know her little son, I am so grown.

If we should meet, she would pass by me in the street,

Unless my soul’s face let her see my sense of what she did for me.

What have I done to keep in mind

My debt to her and womankind?

What woman’s happier life repays

Her for those months of wretched days?

For all my mouthless body leeched

Ere Birth’s releasing hell was reached?


What have I done to keep in mind my debt to her and womankind?

What woman’s happier life repays her for those months of wretched days?

For all my mouthless body leeched ere Birth’s releasing hell was reached?

What have I done, or tried, or said

In thanks to that dear woman dead?

Men triumph over women still,

Men trample women’s rights at will.

And man’s lust roves the world untamed.

O grave, keep shut lest I be shamed.


What have I done, or tried, or said in thanks to that dear woman dead?

Men triumph over women still, men trample women’s rights at will.

And man’s lust roves the world untamed.

O grave, keep shut lest I be shamed.

Answered by Anonymous

Hi Buddy,

CLM Summary:

@Stanza 1

Stanza 1In the dark womb where I began

Stanza 1In the dark womb where I beganMy mother’s life made me a man.

Stanza 1In the dark womb where I beganMy mother’s life made me a man.Through all the months of human birth

Stanza 1In the dark womb where I beganMy mother’s life made me a man.Through all the months of human birthHer beauty fed my common earth.

@Stanza 2

Stanza 2I cannot see, nor breathe, nor stir,

Stanza 2I cannot see, nor breathe, nor stir,But through the death of some of her.

Stanza 2I cannot see, nor breathe, nor stir,But through the death of some of her.Down in the darkness of the grave

Stanza 2I cannot see, nor breathe, nor stir,But through the death of some of her.Down in the darkness of the graveShe cannot see the life she gave.

@Stanza 3

Stanza 3For all her love, she cannot tell

Stanza 3For all her love, she cannot tellWhether I use it ill or well,

Stanza 3For all her love, she cannot tellWhether I use it ill or well,Nor knock at dusty doors to find

Stanza 3For all her love, she cannot tellWhether I use it ill or well,Nor knock at dusty doors to findHer beauty dusty in the mind.

@Stanza 4

Stanza 4If the grave’s gates could be undone,

Stanza 4If the grave’s gates could be undone,She would not know her little son,

Stanza 4If the grave’s gates could be undone,She would not know her little son,I am so grown. If we should meet,

Stanza 4If the grave’s gates could be undone,She would not know her little son,I am so grown. If we should meet,She would pass by me in the street,

Stanza 4If the grave’s gates could be undone,She would not know her little son,I am so grown. If we should meet,She would pass by me in the street,Unless my soul’s face let her see

Stanza 4If the grave’s gates could be undone,She would not know her little son,I am so grown. If we should meet,She would pass by me in the street,Unless my soul’s face let her seeMy sense of what she did for me.

@Stanza 5

What have I done to keep in mind

What have I done to keep in mindMy debt to her and womankind?

What have I done to keep in mindMy debt to her and womankind?What woman’s happier life repays

What have I done to keep in mindMy debt to her and womankind?What woman’s happier life repaysHer for those months of wretched days?

What have I done to keep in mindMy debt to her and womankind?What woman’s happier life repaysHer for those months of wretched days?For all my mouthless body leeched

What have I done to keep in mindMy debt to her and womankind?What woman’s happier life repaysHer for those months of wretched days?For all my mouthless body leechedEre Birth’s releasing hell was reached?

@Stanza 6

Stanza 6What have I done, or tried, or said

Stanza 6What have I done, or tried, or saidIn thanks to that dear woman dead?

Stanza 6What have I done, or tried, or saidIn thanks to that dear woman dead?Men triumph over women still,

Stanza 6What have I done, or tried, or saidIn thanks to that dear woman dead?Men triumph over women still,Men trample women’s rights at will.

Stanza 6What have I done, or tried, or saidIn thanks to that dear woman dead?Men triumph over women still,Men trample women’s rights at will.And man’s lust roves the world untamed.

Stanza 6What have I done, or tried, or saidIn thanks to that dear woman dead?Men triumph over women still,Men trample women’s rights at will.And man’s lust roves the world untamed.O grave, keep shut lest I be shamed.

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