Computer Science, asked by jahnavi141207, 5 months ago

write the coding in vb to find the total and the percentage of marks in 3 subjects. also use if... then.... else conditional statement to display the word "excellent" if the percentage is more than 90% else it should display "can do it better" by using message box in the coding.
Pls answer fast!!!


Answered by ultimateg103


1) First create your dummy hold table: create table xyz_HOLD as select * from xyz where rownum<1. Alter tablexyz nologging.

2) insert /*+ append parallel (xyzhold,12) */ into xyz_hold xyzhold (field1, field2, field3) select /*+ parallel (x,12) */ xyz.field1, my_new_value_for_field2, xyz.field3 from xyz x where blah blah blah.

3) when done, either rename the table, or swap the partition if your original table is partitioned, and you only updated one partition as we do. Obviously you need to rebuild indecies, etc as required

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