CBSE BOARD X, asked by sanatchopra69, 10 months ago

Write the command to directly install multiple packages say numpy, Pandas and matplotlib together in the Anaconda.


Answered by Anonymous


begin working with Pandas in your choice of terminal, Python, IPython, or Jupyter Notebook. The steps are similar for installing and opening nearly any package.

Start Navigator.

Click the Environments tab.

Click the Create button. When prompted, enter a descriptive name for the environment, such as “Pandas.”


Select a Python version to run in the environment.

Click OK.

The new environment appears in the environments list.

Click the name of the new environment to activate it.

The environment is highlighted with a green background.

In the list above the packages table, select All to filter the table to show all packages in all channels.


In the Search Packages box, type Pandas.

Pandas appears as a package available for installation.


Select the checkbox in front of the Pandas package name.

In the menu that appears, select Mark for specific version installation.

In the list that appears, select the Pandas version you want to install.


Click the Apply button.


A progress bar appears below the Packages pane while Pandas and its dependencies are installed.

To begin using your new environment, click the Environments tab.

Click the arrow button next to the Pandas environment name.

In the list that appears, select the tool to use to open Pandas: Terminal, Python, IPython, or Jupyter Notebook.

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