write the consequences of 1971 indo pak war
1,890 people died .
please mark me as the brainliest and follow me
the 1971 indo pak war continued for 14 days .it prove to be costly affairs for Pakistan .Pakistan had to pay heavy price of it by losing their a vast area of east Pakistan .then east Pakistan came into being as a independent nation viz. Bangladesh.
the main consequences of this war is follow
1 . bangaldesh was formed.
2.A reduction in the the area population and strength of Pakistan
3.the defeat of 1965 and 1971 what had a demo relising effect on Pakistan
4. this war also setback for ambitions of America and China who had sympathy for Pakistan.
5. India could understand that America was not a well wishers of it.therefore India instansified fight its a friendly relation with Russia.
6. at the time of Indo Pak war all the politicial party of country set aside their mutual differences liberation of Bangladesh become a national issue
7. it had a great impact on the internal political of Pakistan. people wanted president yahya Khan to resign demonstration were held in Pakistan because of defeat.yahan khana to design and zulfiqar Ali Bhutto came into power in many problems the divided public divided divided leadership all where unfortunate for country.