write the conservation between king and courtiers
DEAR Sir, Your Humble Servant, you are Welcome to Town; Pray how long have you been arrived.
Sir, I came but last Night, and thought my self oblig'd to pay my Respects to you in the first place: I hope all your Noble Family is well.
I thank you Sir, they are very well; But pray how does your good Lady? And how do Matters go in the Country?
Why we are all reasonable well in Health, but out of Order every way else; For the Taxes are so high, Money so scarce, Trade so dead, &c. That I Protest my Estate is so Cul∣tivated, 'twill hardly maintain my Family.
Come, Sir, you are my Worthy Friend, and therefore I would not have you find Fault with any thing; for, if you are willing, I doubt not, but you may soon have such an Em∣ployment, that you will not feel the weight of the Taxes;so ya....thankyou
king- Hello everyone! as we all know there are many crimes going on so anyone having any ideas for helping
Courtier 1- Your majesty, I have an idea in which we may have to spend some money but many of the thief's can be captured . We just need some fake money for making them come at a specific place to trap them. We will put posters of showing the ROYAL TRESURE to at the king's palace, seeing and standing in front of it along with the king then we can fool them,
Your majesty You will just have to say come and if you want to them you may touch My ROYAL TRESURE as i think you are very lucky! Then we can put a cage on him and then he will be captured and then afterwards no crimes.
Hope it help you (The person asking the question)
pls make me a brainiest