English, asked by bhumiqueen69, 8 hours ago

Write the dates of the following:

● Birth of Jesus Christ

● Medieval Period in Europe

● Holy Palestine conquered by the Turks

● Mahmud of Ghazni raided India

● Third Crusade

● First Battle of Tarain

● The fall of Constantinople

● Birth of Prophet Muhammad

● Muhammad returned to Mecca

● The Caliphs ruled from

● Muslim rule started in India

● Spain remained under the Muslim control​


Answered by GhS28o5


Birth Of Jesus- 25th Dec

Answered by ramnarayansingh73178


ia, conquer Persia, and invade Armenia and Iraq, finally capturing Baghdad, the Abbasid capital city

1067 – 1070 Turks invade Byzantine territory in Asia Minor (today’s Turkey); Turkic forces take Jerusalem from the Fatimid dynasty of North Africa

1071 Turkic forces defeat Byzantine forces at the Battle of Manzikert and found the Sultanate of Rum in Asia Minor

1054 Schism (split) of the Christian Church into the Roman Catholic centered in the Papacy in Rome, and Greek Orthodox centered in the Byzantine capital of Constantinople

1061 – 1091 Christian forces under the Normans invade and defeat Muslim ruled Sicily, but retain Muslim cultural influence under Norman rule.

1085 Antioch in northern Syria conquered by Turks; in Spain, the Muslim city of Toledo is captured by Christian forces under Alfonso VI

1096 Start of the First Crusade

March 1095 Byzantine Empire requests Pope Urban II's help against Turkic warrior tribes who have migrated into Asia Minor

November 27, 1095 Pope Urban II preaches the First Crusade

1096 Fatimids retake Jerusalem from Seljuk Turks

Spring, Summer 1096 Crusaders massacre Jews in Europe

Spring 1096 People's Crusade leaves for Holy Land but most end the march near Hungary by August 1096

August 15, 1096 Official beginning of First Crusade set by Pope Urban II

October 6, 1096 Crusader armies under Peter and Walter destroyed at Nicaea by Kilij Arslan

Fall 1096 Crusaders of official First Crusade reach Constantinople; Alexius I Comnenus accepts their oaths of loyalty and pledges to return lands under Byzantine control

April 1097 Crusaders cross the Bosporus into Asia

Early June 1097 Crusaders arrive at Nicaea while Kilij Arslan is away fighting his opponent Danishmend

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