Write the dialogue you will have with the caller in each of the following situation:
A client calls your office and asks to speak to a colleague who isn’t in the
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In cross mood he ask where he gone?
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*The office phone snoozes*
Me: Hello!! Who is this?
Client: Hello Sir!! I am Mahendra from Avon Shop.
Me: Yes say!
Client: Sir, I want to speak to Mr. Yuvraj who is an HR in your company.
Me: Okay! Wait Let me call him.
Client: Yes sir! Waiting.
*I said to peon to call Yuvraj, he told me that he is absent today*
Me: Hello!! I'm sorry, he is absent today.
Client: Okay! No problem. When can he be available now?
Me: Tomorrow, for sure.
Client: Okay! Thank you sir.
*Phone hangs*
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