Write the difference: Audible sound and Inaudible sound. For 2 marks.
Audible Sounds are the sounds of frequency which are audible to the human ear. ... Inaudible sounds are the sounds of frequency which are not audible to the human ear.
What is meant by audible sound?
(ɔːdɪbəl ) adjective. A sound that is audible is loud enough to be heard. The Colonel's voice was barely audible.
What are the 3 types of sound?
Sound waves fall into three categories: longitudinal waves, mechanical waves, and pressure waves.
Hint A sound is a form of energy that is manifested by the vibration of bodies. They ranged based on their frequency. Whenever we refer to audible and inaudible sounds all these terms are with respect to human being's hearing capability.
Complete Step-by-step solution
Audible Sounds are the sounds of frequency which are audible to the human ear. The frequency of audible sounds is usually between 20Hzto20kHz.
Inaudible sounds are the sounds of frequency which are not audible to the human ear. The frequency of inaudible sounds is below20Hzand greater than20kHz.
Additional information
Many animals for example dogs can hear sounds with frequencies higher than20kHz. The police use whistles with frequencies greater than 20kHz