Write the difference between EUKARYOTIC CELLS and PROKARYOTIC CELLS.
Prokaryotic Cell
The term “prokaryote” is derived from the Greek word “pro“, (meaning: before) and “karyon” (meaning: kernel). It translates to “before nuclei.“
Prokaryotes are one of the most ancient groups of living organisms on earth, with fossil records dating back to almost 3.5 billion years ago.
Eukaryotic Cell
The term “Eukaryotes” is derived from the Greek word “eu“, (meaning: good) and “karyon” (meaning: kernel), therefore, translating to “good or true nuclei.” Eukaryotes are more complex and much larger than the prokaryotes. They include almost all the major kingdoms except kingdom monera.
Structurally, eukaryotes possess a cell wall, which supports and protects the plasma membrane. The cell is surrounded by the plasma membrane and it controls the entry and exit of certain substances.