write the difference between mini. and main frame computers
Mainframe Computer Mini Computer
Disk Size
It has a larger disk size. It has a smaller disk size.
Memory Storage
It has memory storage of high capacity. It has memory storage of low capacity.
Processing Speed
Its processing speed is faster. It can process millions of instructions per second. Its processing speed is slower as compared to mainframe computers.
User Support
It can support from thousand up to millions of the users at the same time. It supports hundreds of the users working connecting at the same time.
It is relatively expensive. It costs 1 to 5 million dollars. It is inexpensive. It costs 5 to 15 lac.
More Complex Less Complex
Integrate into larger networks. Unable to integrate into larger networks.
Data Handling capacity
It has high data handling capacity. It has low data handling capacity.
Built in features
It has built in security features. It lacks built in security features.
They cannot be used as personal computers. They can be used as personal computers.
More reliable Less reliable
Heat Production mechanism
Enhanced heat production mechanism Normal heat production mechanism.
Can handle high volumes of workload and data transactions. Can handle medium level of workload and data transactions.