write the difference between the two statements int sum [] = new int 10 ; and sum [1] = 10;
Bhai ham toh spamm karege ok...
Turing introduced the test in his 1950 paper called “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” while at the University of Manchester. In his paper, Turing proposed a twist on what is called “The Imitation Game.” The Imitation Game involves no use of AI, but rather three human participants in three separate rooms.
You probably know that the Earth pulls down on you. What you might not realize is that you are also pulling up on the Earth. For example, if the Earth is pulling down on you with a gravitational force of 500 N, you are also pulling up on the Earth with a gravitational force of 500 N. This remarkable fact is a consequence of Newton's third law.
Newton's third law: If an object A exerts a force on object B, then object B must exert a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction back on object A.
This law represents a certain symmetry in nature: forces always occur in pairs, and one body cannot exert a force on another without experiencing a force itself. We sometimes refer to this law loosely as action-reaction, where the force exerted is the action and the force experienced as a consequence is the reaction.
We can readily see Newton’s third law at work by taking a look at how people move about. Consider a swimmer pushing off from the side of a pool, as illustrated below.
A swimmer pushes on the wall with her feet, which causes the wall to push back on her feet due to Newton's third law. Image credit: Adapted from Openstax College Physics
The swimmer pushes against the pool wall with her feet and accelerates in the direction opposite to that of her push. The wall has exerted an equal and opposite force back on the swimmer. You might think that two equal and opposite forces would cancel, but they do not because they act on different systems. In this case, there are two systems that we could investigate: the swimmer or the wall. If we select the swimmer to be the system of interest, as in the image below, then F_{\text{wall on feet}}F
wall on feet
F, start subscript, start text, w, a, l, l, space, o, n, space, f, e, e, t, end text, end subscript is an external force on this system and affects its motion. The swimmer moves in the direction of F_{\text{wall on feet}}F
wall on feet
F, start subscript, start text, w, a, l, l, space, o, n, space, f, e, e, t, end text, end subscript. In contrast, the force F_{\text{feet on wall}}F
feet on wall
F, start subscript, start text, f, e, e, t, space, o, n, space, w, a, l, l, end text, end subscript acts on the wall and not on our system of interest. Thus F_{\text{feet on wall}}F
feet on wall
F, start subscript, start text, f, e, e, t, space, o, n, space, w, a, l, l, end text, end subscript does not directly affect the motion of the system and does not cancel F_{\text{wall on feet}}F
wall on feet
F, start subscript, start text, w, a, l, l, space, o, n, space, f, e, e, t, end text, end subscript. Note that the swimmer pushes in the direction opposite to that in which she wishes to move. The reaction to her push is thus in the desired direction.
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