English, asked by pawan5051k, 7 months ago

Write the difference sound of water floating over th stone


Answered by SonalRamteke


The water waves (or ripples) formed on the surface of water in pond are also transverse waves because in a water wave, the molecules of water move up and down in the vertical direction when the wave travels in horizontal direction along the water surface. Since the water molecules vibrate up and down at the same place, therefore, a cork or leaf placed on the surface of the water moves up and down at the same place as water moves across the surface of the pond. The shape of the transverse water waves produced on the surface of water is just like those formed on a slinky.

Thus, when a stone is dropped in a pond of water, transverse water waves are produced on the surface of water.

When a transverse wave travels horizontally in a medium, the particles of the medium vibrate up and down in the vertical direction. When the particles move above the line of zero disturbance, they form an 'elevation' or 'hump' and when the vibrating particles move downward, below the line of zero disturbance they form a 'depression' or 'hollow'.

The 'elevation' or 'hump' in a transverse wave is called crest. The 'depression' or 'hollow' in a transverse wave is called trough.

Answered by Faiza Lambe | 9th Mar, 2016, 10:18: AM

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