write the different Role of Phrases
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The role of the phrase in writing depends upon its construction. It works as an adverb within a sentence. It contains and adverb and other grammatical units such as a verb, noun, preposition, and some modifiers. It consists of the main verb and auxiliaries or helping verbs within a sentence.
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here's ur answer mate!
Role of Phares:
▪︎Noun Phrase (NP)
Noun Phrase (NP)A noun phrase contains a noun as a headword and related words such as determiners (like the, her, a) and modifiers, which modify that noun. It serves as a noun within a sentence.
prepositional phrase contains a preposition, an object of preposition (pronoun or noun) and related modifiers. It mostly starts with a preposition and ends with an object of a preposition. It serves as an adjective, or adverb within a sentence.
▪︎Adjective Phrase (Adj Ph)
Adjective Phrase (Adj Ph)An adjective phrase works as an adjective within a sentence. It contains an adjective, some relevant determiners and modifiers, and a word that modifies a noun or pronoun. The function of this phrase is to work as a verb, noun, preposition, adverb, or an adjective. The role of the phrase in writing depends upon its construction.
▪︎Adverb Phrase (Adv Ph)
Adverb Phrase (Adv Ph)It works as an adverb within a sentence. It contains and adverb and other grammatical units such as a verb, noun, preposition, and some modifiers.
▪︎Verb Phrase (VP)
Verb Phrase (VP)It consists of the main verb and auxiliaries or helping verbs within a sentence. According to Transformational generative grammar, verb phrases may contain the main verb, auxiliaries, modifiers, and compliments. It could refer to the whole predicate of a sentence.
▪︎Infinitive Phrase (IP)
Infinitive Phrase (IP)An infinitive phrase contains an infinitive, which is a combination of (to+ simple verb form), with or without other words, and modifiers associated with that infinitive. It always works as a noun, adjective or adverb within a sentence.
▪︎Gerund Phrase (GP)
Gerund Phrase (GP)Gerund phrases contain a gerund, combination of (verb+ing) other words, and modifiers associated with that gerund. In a sentence, it functions as a noun.
▪︎Participle Phrase (Part Ph)
Participle Phrase (Part Ph)Participle phrases contain a present participle, which is (verb+ing), and a past participle, modifiers, or other associated words. They are separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. A participle phrases act as an adjective within a sentence.
▪︎Absolute Phrase (AP)
Absolute Phrase (AP)Absolute phrase consists of a noun, pronoun, participle, and associated modifiers. They are also known as nominative phrases. They modify or provide information about an entire sentence. Absolute phrases look like clauses, yet they lack a true finite verb. They are separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.
I hope it's helpful!
Stay Gold!♡
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