write the disadvsntages of hydroelectric energy
Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Energy
1 Environmental Consequences. The environmental consequences of hydropower are related to interventions in nature due to damming of water, changed water flow and the construction of roads and power lines. ...
2 Expensive. ...
3 Droughts. ...
4 Limited Reservoirs.
Disrupts aquatic ecosystems
Hydropower plants are typically constructed across rivers, and this can interfere with aquatic life and result in their huge scale devastationConstructions needs a large area
To be able to construct a dam, install power production units, plus transformers, and tether them to the main grid requires a large piece of land. This may call for clearing of large chunks of forest to provide space for building the dam. Clearing of forest greatly impacts the natural ecosystems.
Initial costs are significantly high
It’s generally expensive to build up a power plant, and hydropower plants are no exception. The average cost of building a small hydropower plant is $10 million.