write the domain of the following their function 1 upon under root x square - 7
For a function f defined by an expression with variable x, the implied domain of f is the set of all real numbers variable x can take such that the expression defining the function is real. The domain can also be given explicitly.
For a square root function given by f(x) = √x to have real values, the radicand x must be positive or equal to zero.
also Step by Step Calculator to Find Domain of a Function
Examples on How to Find the Domain of Square Root Functions with Solutions
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Step-by-step explanation:
What are the total number of orbitals with principle quantum number 3? Justify (2)
(ii) Differentiate between (3)
(a) Molecule of element and molecule of compound
(b) Diatomic molecule and poly atomic molecule
(iii) What is the position of followings in the periodic table, also give one example of each
(a) Alkali metals (b) Alkaline earth metals (2)
(c) Halogens (d) Noble gases
(iv) Give the example of each (2)
(a) A monoatomic cation (b) A mono atomic anion
(c) A poly atomic cation (d) A poly atomic anion
(v) Which of the following species has the most unpaired electrons? Justify (2)
, S or S
(vi) Identify the sub shell in which electrons with the following quantum numbers are
(a) n = 2, l = 1 (b) n = 4, l = 2 (c) n = 6, l = 0 (3)
(vii) How you prove with experiment that electron has a spin? (2)
(viii) Justify that Al2O3 is amphoteric oxide