Write the early life of Gautama Buddha
Early life of Buddha
Buddha was born in the 6th century B.C., or possibly as early as 624 B.C., according to some scholars. Other researchers believe he was born later, even as late as 448 B.C. And some Buddhists believe Gautama Buddha lived from 563 B.C. to 483 B.C. He was , born with the name Siddhartha Gautama, was a teacher, philosopher and spiritual leader who is considered the founder of Buddhism. ... During his meditation, all of the answers he had been seeking became clear, and he achieved full awareness, thereby becoming Buddha.
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Lord Buddha was born in 566 B.C. in a village called Lumbini in Kapilvastu. He was named Siddhartha. His father Suddhodana wished his son to become a great monarch.
Legends say that astrologers who cast the child’s horoscope predicted a brilliant future for Siddhartha either as a spiritual leader or as a conquering hero. In the former case he was to be guided by four signs i.e. old age, sickness, death and renunciation.
Since his father did not want this to happen, he built three castles for his son’s residence so that Siddhartha may not come across these four signs. One day the prince went out for a drive and came across a man leaning on a stick.
The sight profoundly upset him and he learnt from his charioteer all about sickness. The next day he met an old man, on the third day a dead body and on the fourth a recluse.
The Buddhist scriptures say that God had assumed these forms for detracting the prince from the worldly life his father had planned for him.
Later he was married to Yasodhara, daughter of Dandapani, noble of his kingdom. But marriage did not solve life’s problem for Siddhartha. In spite of having a family life, one dark night he left the palace without being seen by anybody.
After leaving the palace Siddhartha attached himself to several teachers, one after another, but in his attempt to find a solution to the mystery of life none of them was helpful and finally he decided to tread the path alone.