write the equation for reaction of haloarenes with atm o2
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Reactions of Haloarenes
Reactions of haloarenes or reactions of aryl halides are mainly of 3 types:
Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
Electrophilic Substitution Reactions
Reaction with Metals
I. Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions are difficult in case of haloarenes. However, haloarenes undergo nucleophilic substitution reaction under certain conditions. Key reasons for decreased or unreactive nature of haloarenes towards nucleophilic substitution reactions are as below:
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Chemistry > Haloalkanes and Haloarenes > Reactions of Haloarenes
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Reactions of Haloarenes
Can you believe that marine organisms can produce haloarenes? Marine organisms that can use chloride and bromide available in the ocean waters are capable of producing haloarenes. They have been known to exhibit several medicinal properties. Thus, various reactions of haloarenes occur artificially as well as in natur
Introduction to Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Introduction to Elimination Reaction
Why are haloarenes more stable than haloalkanes and undergo electrophilic substitution at ortho- and para- positions ?
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Chlorobenzene can be converted into phenol by heating in aqueous sodium hydroxide solution at a temperature of 623 K and a pressure of 300 atm. However, the rate of reaction can be increased by the presence of certain groups in the benzene ring.
What will be the order of reactivity of following compounds towards the above substitution reaction?
Reactions of Haloarenes
Reactions of haloarenes or reactions of aryl halides are mainly of 3 types:
Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
Electrophilic Substitution Reactions
Reaction with Metals
I. Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions are difficult in case of haloarenes. However, haloarenes undergo nucleophilic substitution reaction under certain conditions. Key reasons for decreased or unreactive nature of haloarenes towards nucleophilic substitution reactions